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Gardens are a fantastic way to create spaces for wildlife and mitigate the impacts of infrastructure on the surrounding area. Through the usage of uncommon native plants, species that are suffering due to the loss of these plants will have safe spaces to recover. Gardens can also increase the surface area of the ground allowing for water to more easily penetrate the ground. The usage of gardens is a key component in restoring the health of our local ecosystems.

Pollinator  Gardens

Pollinator gardens use a wide variety of native flowering species to attract local pollinators and provide them with a stable and consistent food source. 

What are Pollinators?

A pollinator is any animal which carries pollen from one plant to another. Pollinators mainly collect pollen when visiting plants for food, making them also reliant on the plants to survive.

Some common pollinators Include:

Hummingbirds                    Bees                         Butterflies


Rain  Gardens

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