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Species at Risk

Species at risk include extirpated, endangered, threatened, or species of special concern.



Wildlife species that are locally extinct but still exist elsewhere. Caribou, black bears and Atlantic walrus all no longer exist on PEI.

A wildlife species that is facing imminent extinction or extirpation. The piping plover is a species on the brink of extinction which has been labeled as endangered since 1985


A wildlife species that is likely to become endangered without efforts to revert factors pushing them towards extinction/extirpation. Bank swallows are nearly endangered due to loss of nesting habitat.


Special Concern

A wildlife species that could become threatened or endangered due to biological characteristics and identified risks.

Common Risks on PEI and Solutions

As the most densely populated province, PEI has very little space where wildlife can exist without human interactions. Disruptions to normal behaviours, conflict, toxins entering the food chain and reliance on humans as food sources are all common problems which occur when little space remains for human-free space. However, there are ways which we can reduce the negative impacts we have on our surrounding environment.

Pest management has the potential to cause damage to our ecosystem so it is important to understand best practices in management before you start. Outdoor poison traps will poison their primary target; however, the poisoned dead animal is now out in the open and scavengers may experience secondary poisoning. For example, Bald eagles scavenge and secondary poisoning could cause severe harm to them. 

Our yards rarely have adequate space for wildlife and native plants due to the clear-cutting and replacement with non-native grass. A lack of wild flowers leaves little space for bees to feed, bee populations have been on a decline and our current yard setups are not capable of supporting bee populations. Additionally, the grass we use requires frequent watering, using up a valuable resource. Planting native wildflowers, not removing dandelions from your yard, and using self-sustaining plants all help towards creating a better ecosystem

One of the largest threats to species on PEI are invasive species. Invaders will take over the homes of our indigenous species and remove valuable food sources, nesting habitats and easily outcompete native species. Many of our invasive species started as garden plants which have managed to make their way from people's yards to other parts. To avoid further introductions, focus on planting indigenous species in your yards and do not allow non-native species to leave your property.

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